Current Issue Cover

洪汉玉1, 张天序1(华中科技大学图像识别与人工智能研究所图像信息处理与智能控制教育部重点实验室,武汉 430074)

摘 要
Restoration Algorithm for Rotational Motion Blurred Images with Non-zero Boundary


The restoration of rotational motion blurred images with the boundaries of non zero gray values is a study hotshot in the field of image processing. In order to quickly fetch the gray values of pixels along the blurring paths in the case of discreteness, the idea of Bresenham algorithm is incorporated into the process of restoration of rotational motion blurred image. The restoration algorithm based on deconvolution along the blurring path by mean of filtering in frequency domain is proposed. Meanwhile, in order to effectively restore the information of pixels in the boundary area, the less cost restoration algorithm based on knowledge guide is also proposed?Thus, the restoration of the blurred image with non zero boundary consists of two stages, in which the two proposed restoration algorithms are employed. On the other hand, the iterative calculation and complicated time consuming operations are avoided to speed up the image restoration. The effect of the proposed algorithms is validated by comparison experiments and a lot of test experiments in the microcomputer, and experimental results illustrate that the proposed algorithms are efficient and capable of resisting noise.
