Current Issue Cover

王芙蓉1,2, 程鹏1,2, 邹璇1,2(1.华中科技大学电子与信息工程系,武汉 430074;2.通信软件与交换技术研究中心,武汉 430074)

摘 要
A Novel Improved Approach of Direct Minutia Extraction from Gray-level Fingerprint Image


Minutiae has been comsidered as the most distinctive feature of a fingerprint and thus widely used in finger reconition/verification.Instead of using those conventional extraction methods based on binarization and ridgeline thinning,D.Maio and D.Maltoni proposed a totally different approach to detect the minutiae directly in gray-scale images in 1997.In this approach minutiae were extracted based on ridge tracing directly in gray images,so it showed more robust performance by avoiding the errors introduced by binarization and thinning.However,there are also drawbacks of this approach,such as the difficulties to decide the 7 thresholds,inaccurate ridge ending determination and etc.In this paper,an approach with several important improvements on D.Maio and D.Maltoni's method is presented.A novel method based on canny operator and morphology is used for fingerprint foreground segmentation,and both ridge tracing angle and the change of gray-level are introduced into the stop criteria of ending point.Other improvements include the selection of a better filter,and a post-processing to eliminate the spurious ridgelines and false minutiae by considering the length of ridgeline and the local structure of ridgelines where minutiae are detected.The efficiency and robustness of the proposed algorithm have been shown in the experiments.
