Current Issue Cover

刘丹丹1, 张树有1, 刘元开2, 谭建荣1(1.浙江大学CAD&CG国家重点实验室,杭州 310027;2.浙江大学现代制造工程研究所,杭州 310027)

摘 要
A Curve Discretization Method Based on Recognization of Feature Point


The curve discretization is one of the fundamental issues in triangulation of planar region and the parameter domain of curved surface. In this paper, the conception of the curve's local feature point is presented. A fast algorithm for the acquisition of the curve's local feature point is proposed, according to the theory of parallel. Through optimizing the local feature point, the needless local feature point is omitted, and the feature point set requisite is obtained. Accordingly the curve discretization is realized, making use of the curve's local feature point. In the course of curve discretization, the quality influence of the succeeding triangulation, resulted by the tolerance of the discretization precision and the length of the approximation polygon edge, is fully considered in this method. If the approximation precision is high, the curve surface crack can be avoided. If the edge of the approximation polygon is too short, too dense triangle mesh will be created, which will result in long computation time and more memory space, or the long and narrow triangle mesh will be produced, which will make the quality of triangle mesh worse. Experiments indicate that the polygon consisting of the feature points can perfectly approximate the curve, and the algorithm is highly efficient.
