Current Issue Cover

于跃龙1, 卢焕章1(国防科技大学ATR重点实验室,长沙 410073)

摘 要
A New Method for Real-time Segmenting Video Objects Based on Statistical Change Detection


In order to eliminate the effect caused by noise, complex motion, and uncovered background in the process of real time segmenting video objects, a new method for real time segmenting video objects based on statistical change detection is proposed. During the process of statistical change detection, because t distribution is used to eliminate the effect of noise, the noise variance is not needed. Two frames at a distance of k are used for statistical change detection instead of two successive frames, thus articulation motion and slow motion can be better coped with. The intersection between two successive statistical change detection results can eliminate the effect of uncovered background, and most of the residual noise are eliminated at the same time without adding any computation complexity. The experimental results show that the new method solves the problems existing in the process of traditional statistical change detection caused by noise, complex motion, and uncovered background, and it can automatically segment video objects by real time. It can meet the requirements of many object based video applications such as MPEG-4.
