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刘瑜1, 林星1, 秦适1, 张毅1, 邬伦1(北京大学遥感与地理信息系统研究所,北京 100871)

摘 要
Research on GSQL Extension Supporting Raster Data


Spatial database has become one of the dominating techniques tomanage spatialdata in geographical information systems, and geographic structured query language (GSQL) is the key issue ofspatialdatabase design and implementation. Atpresent, GSQL for vector data has been widely studied. However, when considering the raster data, little researchwas made for their specifications on visiting and operationa.l Based on OpenGIS○R, a GSQL extension named GSQL2R supporting raster data is discussed in this paper. At first, some abstractdata types (ADTs), includingPixe,l RasterRegion and RasterCoverage, are defined. The relationships between Pixel/RasterRegion and RasterRegion/RasterCoverage are part/whole. In these definitions, data objects and operations for each ADT are described in a formalized way. Then, GSQL2R syntax and some instances are presented. The GSQL2R description includes three parts, .i e. data definition language (DDL), data table schema and data manipulation language (DML). The example indicates that GSQL2R provides an efficient and integrated way for raster data access and operation.
