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常远1, 秦小麟1, 王筱成1, 夏斌1(南京航空航天大学信息科学与技术学院,南京 210016)

摘 要
多源空间数据共享一直是VR-G IS(虚拟现实地理信息系统)应用系统开发中需要解决的重要问题。分析了CNSDTF(中国地球空间数据交换格式)和OpenF light(一种应用于VR空间数据格式)的结构和特点,提出了以CNSDTF标准为空间数据转换中介,通过将OpenF light数据格式转换成为符合CNSDTF标准的数据格式,具体实现了一种基于我国空间数据标准的空间数据互操作应用的方法。
Research on the Spatial Data Interoperability Based on CNSDTF and OpenFlight


Sharing between various spatial data has always been a main problem to the development of VR-GIS,which is a new field integrating GIS and VR(Virtual Reality).This paper analyzed the structure and feature of CNSDTF(Chinese National Geo-spatial data transfer format) and OpenFlight,a spatial data standard format for VR.Then by regarding CNSDTF as a spatial data media-format,the format transformation from OpenFlight to CNSDTF was implemented.Thus this study advanced an effective solution for Spatial Data Interoperability based on CNSDTF.
