Current Issue Cover

王成儒1, 吴娅辉1(燕山大学信息学院电子与通信工程系,秦皇岛 066004)

摘 要
Texture Retrieval Based on a Rotation-invariant Generalized Roughness Vector and an Adaptive Weighted Distance


A rotation-invariant generalized roughness vector and an adaptive weighted distance are applied in texture retrieval. Texture image is decomposed into amplitude spectra and frequency spectra based on Gabor wavelet. The rotation-invariant vector is calculated on the basis of the local energy distributions, Hurst parameters and direction differences. Then the adaptive weighted distance is used to measure the similarity. In order to demonstrate the efficiency of this method for the general texture images, the experiments are carried on the rotation texture database and the general texture database respectively. The proposed approach performed well in both of the experiments.
