Current Issue Cover

张建伟1, 陈允杰2, 夏德深2(1.南京信息工程大学数学系,南京 210044;2.南京理工大学计算机系,南京 210044)

摘 要
Mum ford-Shah(MS)模型因为其具有良好的图像分割能力,目前已被广泛应用于图像分割、目标跟踪等领域。但是由于其迭代过程需要对所有图像数据反复进行计算,因而其时间效率很低,难以实时应用。针对这个缺点,根据医学核磁共振图像(MR I)的特点,对M-S模型进行了改进,提出了一种基于直方图的快速求解方法,其求解时,首先构造符号表,以区分曲线内外区域;然后利用直方图法来进行目标的快速粗分割,再通过遍历优化边界,来获得较精确的分割。对MR图像进行的分割实验表明,其分割效果更好,同时,时间效率也有大幅提高,这就方便了实时应用。
Fast Mumford-Shah Model MRI Segmentation Based on Histogram Method


Mumford-Shah model,which has better ability to segment images, had been used to segmenting images or tracking targets.But it needs computing all the data of the image constantly during the iterative course,so it is not suitable for real-time application for its low efficiency.Aiming at this disability,by using the characteristic of the MRI,a fast method of solving the M-S model is improved based on the histogram method.This method first construct a signed table,which can be used to distinguish the area inside or outside of the edges,and use the histogram method to get the rough results,then use the searching method to optimize the results and get the final edges.Experimental results show that the new model can get the better results in an efficient way.
