Current Issue Cover

丁国祥1, 吴仁炳2, 张振亚3, 王煦法3(1.中国科学技术大学计算机科学与技术系,合肥 230066;2.安徽电视台,合肥230027;3.中国科学技术大学计算机科学与技术系,合肥 230027)

摘 要
针对媒体资产管理系统(media assetmanagement,MAM)对视频检索有着精确定位的特殊要求,提出了一种新的编目与检索方法,该方法结合了基于内容检索和基于手工检索的优点。首先采用主元分析(PCA)的方法对视频图像帧的高维特征进行降维,实现镜头自动分割,并对大量存在的新闻相似镜头进行语义自动标注,然后实现视频编目语义的动态更新与扩展。实验结果表明该方法有效、可行,大大提高了编目工作的效率以及编目语义的质量。
A Method of Semantic Extending to Video Logger and Retrieval for MAM


B To meet the demand of exact localization of video retrieval in Media Asset Management(MAM) system,this paper presents a novel method for logger and retrieval,which takes advantage of both the retrieval based on content and the method based on hand-logger.First of all,the high dimension features are reduced by PCA,which are used to detect the video shots.The semantic of the repeat news shots is auto annotated.The semantic of shots is updated automatically finally.It is verified by the experimental results that the proposed approach is feasible and efficient.
