Current Issue Cover

吴琼玉1, 周东翔1, 蔡宣平1(国防科技大学电子工程与科学学院联合研究中心,长沙 410073)

摘 要
基于图像的建模和绘制方法与基于传统的几何绘制方法相比有很多优点,但是在场景几何参数未知的情况下,要实现单幅图片和图像序列的漫游,难度很大.TIP(tour into a picture)技术使得在一幅图像中漫游成为可能.为了实现场景几何参数未知情况下的场景漫游,在对TIP技术进行扩展的基础上,提出了一种能够在未知视点路径的图像序列中实现场景漫游的方法.这种算法在相机未定标的情况下,不仅解决了图像序列建模和场景漫游过程中前后图像场景不能平滑过渡的问题,并且扩大了TIP中视线方向变化的动态范围,从而在保证图像质量的情况下,实现了由图像序列到场景的无限制漫游.实际图像序列的实验结果表明,该算法是有效的,具有实际应用价值.
Construction of Virtual Environment from Image Sequences


Comparing with the traditional approach of 3D model-based rendering with explicit 3D structure, the approach of image based modeling and rendering has many advantages, but both fall futile in modeling from one single picture. The method of touring into the picture, proposed by Horry in Siggraph 1997, gives us a surprising way to solve this problem. Our methodology in modeling from one picture can be recognized as an extension to TIP. Based on these extensions on TIP, we consider an image sequence taken with the unknown path of the viewpoint. The path can be a line, curve or a combination of both. Each frame of the sequence is decomposed into sub-images, which are mosaicked into a new texture to be used in the following walking through. Wherever the viewpoint is, it can get high-resolution virtual images. The experimental results show that this method is effective and applicable,
