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金莲芳1, 覃团发1, 王海霞1, 帅勤1(广西大学计算机与电子信息学院,南宁 530004)

摘 要
颜色结构描述符虽然保留了颜色的结构信息,但是对8×8像素结构化元素内的颜色内容处理较粗糙,为了区分具有相同颜色结构直方图的完全不同的两幅图像,提出了一种基于结构量化直方图的检索方法,指出颜色结构直方图和全局直方图分别是结构量化直方图取量化步长为1和0时的特例。对3者在HMMD(hue-m ax-m in-d ifference)颜色空间采用不同量化维数(32,64,128,256)的2 600张花卉图库检索实验中的平均检索率(RARR)以及平均归一化修正检索等级(GANMRR)性能进行了分析,检索结果表明量化步长取0.5时的结构量化直方图的性能最优。另外还详细介绍了MPEG-7标准的颜色评价准则并以此作为评判检索结果优劣的依据。
Image Retrieval Based on Structure Quantification Histogram


Although color structure descriptor contains the structural information of color, it is crude for processing the color contents of the 8×8 structural elements to distinguish two different pictures with the same color structure histogram. In this paper, a method for image retrieval based on structure quantification histogram is presented. The color structure histogram is one specific case of structure quantification histogram, which is endowed an extreme quantification step as 1. While the colorhistogram is the otherone of structure quantification histogram, which is endowed an extreme quantification step as 0. The performances of the three types of histogram are discussed through average retrieval rate(RARR) and average normalized modified retrieval rank(GANMRR) including 2600 flowerpictureswith differentquantification dimensions(32, 64, 128, 256) inHMMD color space. The results show that the performance ofstructure quantification histogram ofstep size 0.5 is the best. Evaluation criterion used inMPEG27 is introduced in detail and is used to evaluate the experimental results.
