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曹杰1, 龚声蓉1, 刘纯平1, 姚望舒1, 刘全1(苏州大学计算机科学与技术学院,苏州 215006)

摘 要
A Multi-source Image Fusion Algorithm Using ICA


Image fusion technology should try to achieve two objectives: one is to combine useful information of source images asmuch as possible; the other is to abandon the useless information of source images. Based on the analysis of blind signal separation theory, an ICA-based image fusion algorithm is proposed in this paper. Firstly, some pre-processing methods and ICA analysis are applied to each source image; then the ICA coefficients computed in the first step are fused using the maximum rule. Finally the fused image is obtained by synthesizing the fused ICA coefficients. Experiments prove that the new algorithm is feasible and effective formulti-source images fusion.
