Current Issue Cover

杨化超1, 邓喀中1, 张书毕1, 郭广礼1(中国矿业大学环境与测绘学院,徐州 221008)

摘 要
Non-metric CCD Camera Self-Calibration Based on Planar Grids


Traditional camera calibration method usually need make complicated 3D calibration block or construct 3D control fields with high precision.In order to avoid this tedious work,we proposed a camera calibration method using planar control grid.First,camera's initial values of intrinsic parameters are determined base on the perfect camera model and its extrinsic parameters using a 2D direct linear transformation and collinearity equations.Image coordinates of planar grid control points are detected using an improved Hough transformation algorithm and least squares fitting.Finally,camera calibration with high accuracy is conducted using bundle adjustment with self-calibration.Good results have been obtained with real image data calibration and demonstrate the method we proposed in this paper is feasible.Calibration precision of principle point and focal length is about 0.2 and 0.3 pixels respectively,which can meet the precision requirements of close-range photogrammetry with high accuracy.
