Current Issue Cover

张建伟1, 鲍政1, 王顺凤1(南京信息工程大学数学系,南京 210044)

摘 要
Adaptive Image Watermarking Scheme Based on the Wavelet Domain SVD


SVD preserves both one-way and non-symmetric properties. Based on the research and analysis of the first column of the orthogonal matrix after SVD, we propose a block-based image adaptive watermarking scheme based on the SVD of wavelet domain, embedding the watermark in the first column of orthogonal matrix, and selecting the best embedding coefficients by analysing the stability of those coefficients. The threshold, which is used to modify the selected coefficients is decided by the statistical properties of local blocks. The modification of coeffients is controlled by these two thresholds so as to obtain the optimal tradeoff between the transparency and the robustness. A large amount of experiments show that the proposed scheme is effective and robust to common image processing operations, especially to JPEG compression.
