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范学刚1, 王正志1, 黄教民1(国防科技大学机电工程与自动化学院,长沙 410073)

摘 要
摘要:运动感知是生物视觉脑机制的重要组成部分之一。该文根据形状运动边界轮廓系统(Formotion BCS)模型的相关原理,先通过扩展其暂态网络处理阶段的不对称方向抑制机制和在其竞争网络阶段引入相反方向上的抑制核以及在边界分割阶段引入运动双极细胞的合作机制,结合单目静态边界处理,建立了检测运动方向的单目神经动力学模型;然后根据该模型编写仿真程序用于运动方向检测。仿真结果表明,利用生物视觉原理来实现物体的运动方向检测是一条可行的研究途径。
A Model of Monocular Motion Direction Detection Based on Biological Vision


Abstract:Motion perception is one of the important parts of the mind mechanism of biological vision. Based on the fundamental principle of Formotion BCS, and combined with monocular boundary perception processing, this thesis develops a monocular neural dynamic model of motion direction detection. It is different from the Formotion BCS that the mechanism of asymmetrical direction detection is expanded at transient network processing stage, inhibition kernel in the reverse direction is taken at the competition network processing stage and the cooperation mechanism of the motion bipole cells is taken at the boundary segmentation processing stage in the model. We have simulated it on the computer successfully. The model helps us to realize a motion direction detection system based on biovision theory that is different from those normal models in the field of computer vision.
