Current Issue Cover

陈龙1, 陆国栋1, 邓卫燕1, 张东亮2(1.浙江大学CAD&CG国家重点实验室,杭州 310027;2.Digital Fashion Ltd,大阪)

摘 要
Research of Collision Detection Technology Based on Garment Parametric Design


Abstract:Collision detection technology for parametric garment design is static collision detection. It asks for the property of precision, timing and validity of constraint system. The parametric garment model is set into four layers, so different demand for collision detection is put forward to aim at every layer. Collision has an effect on constraint solution, so maintaining validity of constraint system is accomplished by modifying constraint solution sequence or constraint chain. Constructing garment initial mesh with unified topology, subdividing the initial surface to get display mesh by piece-wise technology, precision is improved when collision detection is carried out based on display mesh. Garment style cutting line lying on the display mesh also needs to be projected onto the initial mesh. Speed of collision detection is affected by subdivision, so sub-area and piece-wise technology and all kinds of collision detection techniques are adopted to satisfy the need of timing. At last self collision detection and collision response with some constraints are also discussed. This algorithm is robust and effective, which is shown in the examples, and has been integrated into a garment design system.
