摘 要
A Real time Distributed Multimedia System Framework under Dynamic Context Environment
() Abstract
With the decreasing price of multimedia capturing and processing devices, as well as the capability to capture more complex, and sophisticated objectives, multimedia systems are facine the challenge of large data analysis and management. How to handle real time capturing, compressing, transferring, decompressing as well as information representation and management in a multimedia system has become an important research topic. We propose a real time distributed multimedia system framework for dynamic context environment based on a survey of the requirements of multimedia systems under dynamic context environment. It can be divided into two parts, the software infrastructure and the information system, fusing all needed functions in a real time distributed multimedia system into a unique framework. The former is used to encapsulate the function of capturing, compressing, and decompressing and so on, isolating logical functions from physical devices. The latter is used for information representation, isolating information from special capturing or processing devices, and it also provides the capacity of information management, which means users can search for specified information later. The experiments of the meeting system based on this frame show the openness, configurability and extensibility of our framework.