Current Issue Cover

孙巍1, 王珂1, 袁国良2, 王楠1(1.吉林大学通信工程学院,长春 130025;2.上海海事大学信息工程学院,上海 200135)

摘 要
多聚焦图像融合 Q shift DT CWT 邻域梯度 模值 一致性校验
A Multi focus Image Fusion Algorithm in the Complex Wavelet Domain


The images are processed with Q shift DT CWT. The low frequency coefficients and high frequency coefficients are fused with NGMS (Neighborhood Gradient Maximum Selectivity) and SI MVMS (Synthesis Image Module Value Maximum Selectivity) separately because of their different characteristics. For the low frequency coefficients, the ones having maximal neighborhood gradient are selected. For the high frequency coefficients, the ones having maximal absolute values are selected, and verify consistency of the fused coefficients . Experience results show that the images fused by the proposed algorithm are of better quality than that produced through the algorithms with wavelet transform. The proposed algorithm not only solves the problems such as low contrast and blocking effects caused by fusion algorithms in space domain, but also avoids the artifacts and ringing artifacts exhibited by conventional wavelet based fusion algorithms, which benefit from the approximate shift invariant and good directional selectivity of Q shift DT CWT.
