Current Issue Cover

李茜1, 王朔中1, 金秋明1, 张新鹏1(上海大学 通信与信息工程学院,上海 200072)

摘 要
Lossless Visible Watermark with Smooth Visual Appearance


To avoid poor appearance of lossless visible watermarks due to gray level flipping existence in some previous work, we propose two embedding methods capable of completely reconstructing the host image with satisfactory visual quality. The first calculates exclusive OR between the image’s MSB plane and the binary watermark. The other method uses a bit shift strategy to push down high bits of the mark covered pixels, and replaces the MSB with the mark data, making the watermark semi transparent and other image areas completely transparent. The watermark can be embedded into any position of the carrier image with any size. Both methods can losslessly reconstruct the host image without knowing the watermark information.
