Current Issue Cover

周登文1, 申晓留1(华北电力大学计算机科学与技术系,北京 102206)

摘 要
自适应    图像降噪    邻域    小波
Adaptive Image Denoising Using Neighboring Wavelet Coefficients


The denoising of a natural image corrupted by Gaussian noise is a classical problem in image processing. Chen et al. have proposed an effective wavelet thresholding scheme using incorporating neighboring coefficients, namely NeighShrink. NeighShrink’s disadvantages are to use a suboptimal universal threshold and fixed neighboring window size for every subband. In this paper, we improve NeighShrink using Stein’s unbiased risk estimation(SURE). Our method can determine an optimal threshold and neighboring window size for every subband. Experimental results show that our proposed method is significantly better than NeighShrink in all test examples. It also outperforms Balster et al’s FeatShrink which is a recent sophisticated image denoising algorithm.
