Current Issue Cover

金良海1, 姚行中1,2, 李德华1(1.华中科技大学图像识别与人工智能研究所图像信息处理与智能控制教育部重点实验室, 武汉 430074;2.第二炮兵指挥学院,武汉 430012)

摘 要
A Survey on Color Image Vector Filtering Techniques

JIN Lianghai1, YAO Xingzhong1,2, LI Dehua1(1.State Education Commission Key Laboratory for Image Processing and Intelligent Control, Institute for Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074;2.The Second Artillery Command College, Wuha)

Color image filtering is one of the most common research tasks in the area of color image processing. Color image filtering techniques can be divided as component-wise methods and vector processing based methods. However, the component-wise methods were only used in the early time and a large amount of research indicates that the vector filtering methods are more efficient than the component-wise methods since the vector processing based methods can preserve better the spectral characteristics of color images. This paper systematically summarizes and analyzes the fundamental theories and methods of color image vector filtering, and discusses the recent, important developments in this field. Some typical applications of color image vector filtering techniques are also reported in this paper. First, the classification of color image vector filtering techniques is analyzed, and for each class of filtering technique, the most commonly-used, representative filtering algorithms are introduced and explained in detail. Then, combining the authors research on this field, some new research methods are proposed. Finally, for some representative, frequently-used filtering algorithms, by taking the impulsive noise for example, both the perceptual visual effect and objective evaluation data are presented to illustrate their filtering performance.
