Current Issue Cover

钱惟贤, 陈 钱, 顾国华, 白俊奇(南京理工大学光电工程国防重点学科实验室,南京 210094)

摘 要
A New Anisotropic Diffusion Algorithm for Infrared Image Denoising

QIAN Weixian, CHEN Qian, GU Guohua, BAI Junqi(National Defense Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Engineering,NUST,Nanjing 210094)

Noise reduction is an important research topic of the infrared image processing,but the commonly used noise reduction methods will cause the loss of the details.In order to effectively reduce the noise and protect the edge at the same time,a new anisotropic diffusion algorithm based on the information measure and the edge membership is introduced. The core content of this algorithm is to divide the image into two areas,the edge area and the non-edge area. While the conventional P-M diffusion equation is used into the non-edge area to filter the noise,and the nonlinear diffusion equation based on the information measure is used into the edge area to filter the noise and enhance the edge. The final results show that this algorithms PSNR,MAE and radiometric resolution are better than the traditional algorithms. So this algorithm has practicality and potential application value.
