Current Issue Cover

谢可夫1, 周心一1, 许光平2(1.湖南师范大学图像识别与计算机视觉研究所,长沙 410081;2.湖南师范大学物理与信息学院,长沙 410081)

摘 要
Morphology Filtering Inspired by Quantum Collapsing


The structure element (SE) used in morphology operation is extended to superposition of SE, short for SSE, inspired by the quantum information processing theory.The SSE’s has no fixed sizes or form and its scale is described with the limits of size. SSE is linear superposition of all SE available in its limits of size. SSE can be collapsing and returns to a SE when a measurement on it is taken. The morphological operators, named by collapsing morphological operators, based on quantum measurement and collapsing are defined,and then a self-adapted filtering operation is created by applying these operators in this paper. The results obtained in the computer simulation on image filtering using this operation is shown that this self-adapted filtering has more powerful ability for denoising than median filter and corresponding traditional morphological filter and are independent of the intensity of noise.
