Current Issue Cover

李文杰1,2, 李刚1, 曹斌1, 吴功伟1(1.中国电信股份有限公司北京研究院, 北京 100035;2.联想中国研究院, 北京 100085)

摘 要
A Fast Intra-frame Prediction Mode Selection Algorithm for H.264 Video Coding


In order to guarantee higher compression efficiency and video quality, a robust rate-distortion optimization(RDO) is employed in H.264/AVC video coding standard, which is jointly developed by ITUT and MPEG. According to the specification of RDO, all of the prediction modes have to be tried exhaustively in order to find the best mode. As a result, the computational complexity of the mode decision is extremely high and is not suitable for the real time service, such as video conference.This paper proposes a fast intra prediction modes decision algorithm based on the discrepancy within the video picture. In addition, the Direction-Vector based preferred modes selection method is introduced in the proposed algorithm to reduce the candidate modes to be tested. Experimental results are given to demonstrate that our proposed algorithm achieves a reduction of processing time by 40%~50% as compared with the current RDO optimized mode decision with little quality degradation.
