摘 要
本文是中国多媒体技术研究与应用的年度文献综述之十一。该文从2008年9种核心刊物的2 918篇中选取382篇多媒体技术相关的文章进行了分类、统计,以展现出2008年中国多媒体技术发展的现状。今年仍然沿用去年的分类标准。通过与前4年统计结果的对比可以看出,编码标准、数字水印、虚拟现实、多媒体数据检索、多播、流媒体、交互模式与接口、生物特征身份识别等是2008年论文反映出的研究热点,同时,多媒体应用日趋多样化,与社会生活的结合程度越来越紧密。该文还对近2年的中国多媒体技术文献统计结果做了比较,从中可看到多媒体技术,特别是一些热点技术的发展趋势。该文不仅能给从事多媒体技术研究与应用的人员提供系统的文献索引,也能为技术规划和管理人员提供参考。
Researches on Multimedia Technology in China: 2008
() Abstract
As one of a serial of reports, this paper is a survey on multimedia researches and applications in China, 2008. Since multimedia is a cross research area, papers about multimedia technology are distributed on various journals. We checked 2 918 papers published on 9 Chinese journals in 2008, from which we have selected 382 related to multimedia technology and application. Then we conducted analysis on all the selected papers and for those from 2004 to 2007 statistical analyses were conducted. The categories are the same as last year. Looking into the data, we can find that coding standards, digital watermarking, virtual reality, multimedia data retrieval, multicast, streaming media, interactive mode and interface, identification using biometrics earn high attention of researchers in China. Meanwhile, multimedia application systems are diversified and intergraded with daily life gradually. We present here an overview on the progress in multimedia technology in China, 2008. This article can be used by researchers as a thoroughl reference, and also will be helpful for people in technical planning and management.
multimedia coding standards digital watermarking virtual reality multimedia data retrieval multicast streaming media interactive mode and interface biometrics