Current Issue Cover

姚健1, 王阳生1, 丁宾1, 李基拓1(中国科学院自动化研究所,北京 100190)

摘 要
动画重映射是生成真实感人脸动画的重要途径,为了快速地进行人脸动画重映射,提出了一种基于球面参数化的动画重映射算法,该算法先通过引入球面参数化来保证参数域上的三角面不重叠,再利用重心坐标插值,以实现简单、无歧义的重映射。该算法不仅能够在保证真实感的基础上显著提升重映射的速度,并可减少需要标记的关键点个数。另外,结合唇线自动分割和区域划分还能修正直接插值产生的错误。实验表明,该新算法可用于Motion Capture采集的稀疏关键点的人脸动画数据的重映射。
Facial Animation Remapping Based on Spherical Parameterization


Animation remapping is an important way to produce realistic facial animation. We introduce spherical parameterization to prevent overlap and utilize barycentric coordinate as the interpolation weight of motion vectors, which achieves fast remapping of realistic animation and requires fewer key points. Combined with automatic division of lip contact line and lip region division, it can correct errors of the mouth animation. The method is applicable to real-time facial animation remapping for sparse markers in Motion Capture.
