Current Issue Cover

谢建全1,2, 阳春华1, 黄大足1,2, 谢多思3(1.中南大学信息科学与工程学院,长沙 410083;2.湖南财经高等专科学校信息管理系,长沙 410205;3.南京理工大学自动化学院,南京 210094)

摘 要
A High Capacity Information Hiding Algorithm in DCT Domain


So far information hiding algorithm based on DCT domain is the most extensive one in all transformation domain algorithm applications Its most serious disadvantage is the low capacity for information hiding The reason why only small capacity information can be hidden in DCT domain of an image is analyzed, and a high capacity blind information hiding algorithm based on DCT domain is proposed In our algorithm, the uniform spectrum processing is first applied to the original image Then, a global DCT transformation of the image is finished Finally, the information, which is to be hidden, is embedded into the low frequency coefficients in DCT domain Moreover, the information hiding is implemented by using segment quantification method, extracting the hidden information without using the original image Experiment shows that our algorithm has a high capacity of information hiding and good imperceptibility
