Current Issue Cover

齐华1, 李勇1, 郝重阳1(西北工业大学电子信息学院,西安 710072)

摘 要
为了对视频图像进行实时有效的压缩,提出了一种基于小波变换的视频实时压缩编码系统。该系统以小波变换技术为核心,首先采用ADV612实时压缩编码芯片对视频图像进行硬件压缩编码处理;然后结合高速数字信号处理器—TMS320VC5509对分辨率为760×420和帧速为25 fps的视频信号进行了实时压缩编码。实验结果表明,该系统的性能指标达到512 kbps~15 Mbps的设计要求,并具有实时性高、结构简单和扩展性好等优点。
Design of A Real-time Video Compression System Based on Wavelet Transform


The design of a real-time video compression and coding system based on wavelet is put forward for realizing the effective real-time video compression The key technical point in this system is wavelet transform Firstly,the device ADV612 is used for real-time hardware video compression and coding, then DSP TMS320VC5509, video data which is 760×420 resolution and 25 frames per system meet 512 kbps~15 Mbps and has a number of advantages of high real-time speed, simple system structure and good extensibility
