Current Issue Cover

郭伟1, 龙沪强1(上海交通大学电子工程系图像通信与信息处理研究所,上海 200240)

摘 要
Circular Linear Two Dimensional Table Sorting Algorithm for Multi-channel Video Stream Transmission


Sorting problem has an important role in the field of video stream transmission.A sorting algorithm for multi-channel video stream is proposed. It uses the method of look up table in the circular linear two-dimensional table to sort the video stream packets received from multi-channels which is different from a traditional sorting method. It efficiently solves the problems such as uncontrollable delay, high complexity both in sorting and in memory management, the result has been verified through PC simulation which indicates that there is a linear relationship between the increase of packet number and the increase of the time which consumed during the sorting, while in a traditional sorting algorithm, when the number of the packet increases the time consumption will experienced an exponential growth. The statistical datas between this algorithm and traditional algorithms have shown that it can reduce time consumption when the number of packet increases.
