Current Issue Cover

严恺1,2, 周军1,2(1.上海交通大学电子工程系图像通信与信息处理研究所,上海 200240;2.上海交通大学上海市数字媒体处理与传输重点实验室,上海 200240)

摘 要
An Improved Belief Propagation Algorithm for Stereo Matching


This paper proposes an improved belief propagation algorithm for stereo matching.Based on the assumption that the disparity field is continuous,traditional methods regard the disparity field as a Markovian network that transmits two-way information.But in the occluded area,disparity is not continuous.So we propose a new method.Firstly,we use the cross-check technology based on the initial disparity to detect the occluded area.Secondly,we regard the disparity map as a mixed network of Markovian field and Bayes filed.Then the occluded area does not transmit information to the non-occluded area so as to reduce the computational cost of disparity matching.We use the standard test images to evaluate our algorithm.The result shows that the proposed method achieves a high accuracy and efficiency.
