Current Issue Cover

郭 丽, 高立群, 刘 濛, 片兆宇(东北大学信息科学与工程学院,沈阳 110004)

摘 要
A New Automatic Multiple Vehicle Detection Algorithm Based on Random Walk

GUO Li, GAO Liqun,LIU Meng,PIAN Zhaoyu, LIU Meng, PIAN Zhaoyu(College of Information Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110004)

In the light of the detection of multiple vehicles in the traffic video sequence the paper presents an edge detection based random walk algorithm for accurately detecting and segmenting the multiple vehicles in the video. First, the regions of the moving vehicles are detected by the background differences and the edge information, and the skeleton structures are extracted from the detected vehicle regions. Secondly, the effective pixel markers, which are obtained from the skeleton structures, are taken as the object seeds in the random walk algorithm. Finally, the automatic detection of the vehicles is realized by using seeds to segment multiple vehicles in a random walk way.
