Current Issue Cover
基于递降阶乘计算的Tchebichef 矩的旋转不变量

吴海勇1,2, 舒华忠1, 张 辉1, 罗立民1(1.东南大学计算机科学与工程学院,南京 210096;2.南京晓庄学院物理与电子工程学院, 南京 211171)

摘 要
Rotational Invariance of Tchebichef Moments Evaluated via Falling Factor

WU Haiyong1,2, SHU Huazhong1, ZHANG Hui1, LUO Limin1(1.School of Computer Science and Engineer, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096;2.School of Physics and Electronic Engineer, Nanjing Xiaozhuang University, Nanjing 211171)

Conventional rotational invariants of Tchebichef moments are represented by rotational invariants of geometric moments, therefore the drawbacks of geometric moments, such as high degree of information redundancy and sensitive to noise, are inevitable. New rotational invariants of Tchebichef moments are proposed in this paper. Uusing the properties of falling factor,the proposed moments are transformed to linear combinations of Tchebichef central moments which can be evaluated by Tchebichef moments directly. Experiments show that our descriptor outperformed the conventional descriptor in rotational invariants.
