Current Issue Cover

杨化超1,2, 卢晓攀2, 王永波1,2, 姚国标1(1.国土环境与灾害监测国家测绘局重点实验室, 徐州 221116;2.中国矿业大学环境与测绘学院, 徐州 221116)

摘 要
Unit quaternion based description of collinearity equations

Yang Huachao1,2, Lu Xiaopan2, Wang Yongbo1,2, Yao Guobiao1(1.Key Laboratory for Land Environment & Disaster Monitoring of SBSM, Xuzhou 221116, China;2.School of Environmental & Spatial Informatics, China University of Mining & Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China)

Collinearity equations play a very important role in photogrammetry and computer vision. It established the relationship between three points, that is, the camera projective center, an object point and its corresponding image point. In collinearity equations, a rotation matrix is usually used to describe the attitude of an image traditionally a rotation matrix is always represented by three Euler angles because of its vivid describing of the relationships between three axes. However, since the unit quarternion was presented by Hamilton in 1843, its use has extended into many application fields such as signal processing, mechanics, and aerospace. In order to discuss the application problem of unit quaternion in photogrammetry, research was carried out in this paper systemically into rigorous solution of collinearity equations by using unit quarternion based rotation matrices. Starting from the basic theories and its operations of unit quaternion, rigorous linearized expression of unit quaternion based collinearity equations are derived in detail and there is no need to derive the rotation matrix. Tests by using both simulated data and real image data indicate that linearized collinearity equations have many merits such as having a very simple form, being independent of initial values, and having a high convergent speed compared to two other rotation matrices orthe Euler angle based rotation matrix. So, unit quaternion based rotation matrix should be used widely in practical application.
