Current Issue Cover

王炜强, 张晓阳, 曹春芹, 付奎生(中国空空导弹研究院, 洛阳 471009)

摘 要
Scale invariant face recognition from single sample

Wang Weiqiang, Zhang Xiaoyang, Cao Chunqin, Fu Kuisheng(China Airborne Missile Academy, Luoyang 471009, China)

Face recognition has been always a hot spot in image processing and pattern recognition. However,problems,such as small samples,rotation,and scale changes,always restrict its development. In this paper,a scale invariant feature and template based method is proposed to achieve recognition upon a single face sample. First,scale invariant features are extracted and matched to obtain feature-level correspondence between faces,upon which rotation and scale variances between faces can be estimated and rectified for invariant templates. Then a sub-region based zero mean Nermaczed Cross-Correlation (ZNCC) method will be adopted to acquire region-level correspondences between the templates and rectified faces. Finally,a joint judgment will be made according to both feature-level and region-level correspondences between faces. This method is feasible and robust not only to rotation,scale and illumination variance,but also to low texture.
