Current Issue Cover

范有臣1, 李迎春2, 韩意1, 张来线1(1.解放军装备指挥技术学院研究生院,北京 101416;2.解放军装备指挥技术学院光电装备系,北京 101416)

摘 要
Weakening of smoke for homomorphic filtering

Fan Youchen1, Li Yingchun2, Han Yi1, Zhang Laixian1(1.The institute of graduate student, Academy of Equipment Command and Technology, Beijing 101416, China;2.Department of Photoelectric Equipment, Academy of Equipment Command and Technology, Beijing 101416, China)

To improve images degraded by smoke,a homomorphic filter algorithm based on lift-wavelet transform is used to enhance the contrast of an image. In this paper,we use a homomorphic filter algorithm based on lighting reflection models and develop an applicable filtering model and expression. Secondl,we take lift-wavelet transform into the homomorphic filtering and process the wavelet transform coefficient by using high-pass filtering,aiming to improve the processing speed. Finally,six different objective evaluation parameters are used to evaluate the disposed images. The results reveal that the algorithm is move effective than homomorphic filtering and equal with wavelet homomorphic filtering,which is slower than our proposed algorithm.
