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袁兴生, 王正志(国防科学技术大学机电工程与自动化学院自动化所, 长沙 410073)

摘 要
颜色恒常性是计算机视觉的重要研究方向,旨在准确识别目标的真实颜色而不受场景光源变化的影响。目前提出的多种颜色恒常性算法,使用传统的Von Kries 对角变换矩阵对图像的估计照明进行校正,对低照度和强光照射条件下采集到的图像处理效果比较差。根据图像形成的数学模型和光学原理提出了亮度补偿对角变换矩阵的颜色恒常计算方法,该方法对图像颜色校正的同时根据图像像素亮度变化对图像的亮度进行补偿。通过采用多种颜色恒常性算法进行实验验证,该方法能够有效地校正低照度和强光照射图像的颜色、对比度和亮度,从而增强了图像的视见度。
Color constancy algorithms with luminance-compensation transform matrix

Yuan Xingsheng, Wang Zhengzhi(College of Electromechanical Engineering and Automation, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073,China)

The problem of color constancy is one of the important research directions in computer vision, aiming at recognizing the color of the target without the influence of the illumination variances in the scene. Many color constancy algorithms have been proposed in recent years. Most of them use the traditional Von Kries diagonal transformation matrix, which has bad effects to the color images taken under low luminance and high luminance.The Luminance-compensation based transformation matrix proposed in this article is based on the image formation model and optics theory. This new method compensates the image intensity according to the luminance variant of the image pixel. Results of the experiment demonstrate that the proposed method can achieve a good correction for lightness, contrast and color fidelity.
