Current Issue Cover

吴荣华1, 杨忠东1, 关敏1, 李翔翔2(1.国家卫星气象中心, 中国气象局, 北京 100081;2.航天恒星科技有限公司, 北京 100086)

摘 要
Improved FY-3B/MERSI geolocation accuracy using installation matrix

Wu Ronghua1, Yang Zhongdong1, Guan Min1, Li Xiangxiang2(1.National Satellite Meteorological Center, China Meteorological Administration, Beijing 100081,China;2.Space Star Technology Company, Beijing 100086,China)

Geolocation accuracy is an important factor for remote sensing applications. In order to improve the geolocation accuracy of FY-3B/MERSI (medium resolution spectrum imager) data, we analyze how the installation matrix impacts the accuracy of the geolocation results. When the instrument coordinate system rotates around the X-axis, Y-axis and Z-axis, the remote sensing images will shift left or right, up or down, and they will rotate. According to the relationship of ground control points and land-sea mask to estimate the error of the installation matrix, the accuracy of the image geolocation results can be about one pixel. The geolocation results from the operate system updated the installation matrix are stable and reliable. The new matrix includes not only the relationship between the installation of the instrument and the satellite platform, but also the systematic bias of the internal device due to vibration, environmental changes and measurement errors of the satellite’s position, velocity, and attitude.
