Current Issue Cover

吴昊, 徐丹(云南大学计算机科学与工程系, 昆明 650091)

摘 要
Survey of digital image compositing

Wu Hao, Xu Dan(Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091, China)

Digital image compositing is receiving increasing attention from the image processing research community, and it has been used in many applications such as photo editing, graphic design, and for visual effects in movies. The essential of image compositing is how to extract foreground object from a given image and composite it to a new background seamlessly. In this paper, we give an overview over the different approaches of digital image compositing, which are categorized as matting-based image compositing, gradient-based image compositing, and multi-resolution-based image compositing. The representative methods in each category are stated briefly, and then we compare and analyze their performance according to quality of compositing, robustness and computation time. Next, several state-of-art applications of image compositing are introduced as extension of this survey. Finally, the limitations, the research challenges and the future directions of image compositing are discussed.
