Current Issue Cover

李晓博, 周诠(中国空间技术研究院西安分院空间微波技术重点实验室, 西安 710100)

摘 要
Robust lossless image data hiding with statistical quantity shifting

Li Xiaobo, Zhou Quan(Key Laboratory of Space Microwave Technology, China Academy of Space Technology, Xi'an 710100, China)

Robust lossless data hiding has extensive applications in medical imaging systems, law enforcement, and remote sensing. A robust lossless image data hiding scheme is proposed in this paper. The original cover image can be recovered without any distortion after the hidden data has been extracted if the stego-image remains intact, and conversely, the hidden data can still be extracted correctly if the stego-image goes through JPEG 2000 compression to some extent. First,the proposed scheme divides a cover image into a number of non-overlapping blocks and calculates the statistical quantity of each block. Then the statistical quantity values are shifted by appropriate thresholds, which are selected according to the maximum absolute value of the statistical quantity. Finally, we can embed secret bits into the blocks by using the statistical quantity values which have been shifted. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can achieve high performances in the visual quality of the stego-images, data embedding capacity, and robustness. Performance comparisons with other existing robust lossless data hiding schemes are provided to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed scheme in embedding capacity when keeping the visual quality and robustness at a similar level.
