Current Issue Cover

秦雁1, 邓孺孺1, 何颖清1, 陈蕾1,2, 陈启东1(1.中山大学地理科学与规划学院, 广州 510275;2.国家海洋局南海海洋工程勘察与环境研究院, 广州 510300)

摘 要
Piece-wise linear dynamic moment matching destriping

Qin Yan1, Deng Ruru1, He Yingqing1, Chen Lei1,2, Chen Qidong1(1.School of Geographic Science and Planning, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China;2.South China Sea Marine Engineering and Environment Institute, SOA, Guangzhou 510300, China)

Due to sensor-to-sensor variation within instruments,stripe noise,which affects image quality and subsequent quantitative calculation,is often detected in remote sensing data. Most previous destriping methods are based on the assumption that photomulipliers are linear. In fact,the nonlinearity is stronger in the low and high signal regions. Moment matching is emphasized in detail and a piece-wise linear dynamic moment matching algorithm is suggested which thresholds the image into low-median-high regions,and destripes each subscene separately by dynamically using its neighborhood average value and standard deviation as reference values. This is equivalent to modeling the relationship between sensors as piece-wise linear rather than simple linear. Tests on band 4 of a TM image and on HJ-1A HSI data show that piece-wise linear dynamic moment matching algorithm reduces stripes to a greater degree while retaining the basic information of image than dynamic moment matching method,Fourier transformation method and automatic equalization curves method. The visual and quantitative assessments make sure that this method is reliable and improves destriping effect of huge water body in heterogeneous area.
