Current Issue Cover

杨昭, 高隽, 谢昭, 吴克伟(合肥工业大学计算机与信息学院, 合肥 230009)

摘 要
Scene categorization of local Gist feature match kernel

Yang Zhao, Gao Jun, Xie Zhao, Wu Kewei(School of Computer and Information, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China)

Due to the coarse fineness of global Gist features in scene categorization tasks, we propose a local Gist feature description based on a dense grid. It uses a spatial pyramid structure to add distribution information and introduces the RGB color space to add color information. The feature matching process is kernelized by an efficient match kernel which mea-sures the similarity between local features based on the BOW model. The scene categorization task can be done with linear SVM. Experiment shows the influence to the classification accuracy with local Gist features which have different scale, orientation, fineness, match kernels and numbers of training samples. By using the classification result of the global Gist feature and dense SIFT features on the OT scene dataset, we demonstrate that the proposed feature construction method and classification model are efficient.
