摘 要
Image quality assessment combining low DoF and composition
Gu Tingting1,2, Guo Yanwen1,2, Yin Kunyan1,2(1.State Key Lab for Novel Software Technology, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210046, China;2.Department of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210046, China) Abstract
Image quality assessment has attracted increasing attention in recent years. Conventional algorithms focus on measuring the image degradation caused by low-level features like noise, definition, and resolution. However, with the ra- pid development of digital devices, images with low-noise, high definition, and high resolution can be obtained easily, making these low-level features less important in quality assessment. In this paper, we propose an image quality assessment method from the perspective of aesthetics. An image is assessed by two metrics: 1) whether it has a clear topic and 2) whether its composition is friendly to human viewers. We propose an image assessment method combining depth-of-field(DoF) and composition to achieve the above mentioned goal. We first introduce a blur measurement based low-DoF detection approach. A low-DoF image with a clear topic and blurred background is considered to have greater visual impact. Furthermore, we assess the image composition by how well it is consistent with the rule of thirds, which can make the images more compact. Finally, we combine low-DoF and composition to get an objective aesthetic assessment. The experiment results suggest images assessed with high qualities by the proposed method are also good images according to human aesthetics.