Current Issue Cover

孔勇奇1, 卢敏2, 潘志庚3(1.浙江商业职业技术学院, 杭州 310053;2.丽水学院工学院, 丽水 323000;3.杭州师范大学数字媒体与人机交互研究中心, 杭州 310036)

摘 要
Motion blur direction detection based on pre-processing of spectrum image

Kong Yongqi1, Lu Min2, Pan Zhigeng3(1.Institute of information technology, Zhejiang Vocational College of Commerce, Hangzhou 310053, China;2.Institute of Technology, Lishui University, Lishui 323000, China;3.Digital Media and HCI Research Center, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou 310036, China)

In order to improve the detection quality of direction of the objects moving in fixed direction from blurred image, In this paper, we propose a new algorithm for detection of moving direction, which is based on the pre-processing of spectrum image. First, the spectrum image of motion-blur image is transformed twice with Fourier logarithmic to meet refinment of bright lines. Second, with the previous spectrum as input, the image is bi-value processing with slipping neighbour operation, eliminating image noise and cross bright line. Finally, the pre-processed image is performed with Radon transform, detecting image linear characteristic, and mapping the detection results into direction of the blurred image. The experimental results show as below: 1) in different fuzzy scale and direction of the environment, the proposed algorithm can always limit the movement direction detection error under 0.5°;2) our algorithm can obtain better movement direction detection than other related algorithms.
