Current Issue Cover

韩天庆1, 赵银娣1, 刘善磊2, 白杨1(1.中国矿业大学环境与测绘学院, 徐州 221116;2.江苏省基础地理信息中心, 南京 210013)

摘 要
Spatially constrained SURF feature point matching for UAV images

Han Tianqing1, Zhao Yindi1, Liu Shanlei2, Bai Yang1(1.School of Environment Science and Spatial Informatics, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China;2.Geomatics Center of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing 210013, China)

Compared with general scene images, unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)images provide richer texture information, and often there are more serious problems for the one-to-many correspondence between local features and target objects. The traditional speeded-up robust features (SURF) algorithm would be inapplicable to UAV images. Therefore, an improved spatially constrained SURF method is proposed for UAV image matching and mosaicking. In the first feature point matching phase, SURF feature points are extracted from the whole base image and the blocks of the target image, respectively, a cosine-based spatial constraint relationship is built using the selected two pairs of points and imposed on the feature point dual matching process between the central block in the target image and the base image. In the second phase, the initial parameters of geometric transformation are calculated using the feature point points obtained in the first phase and used to estimate locations in the base image corresponding to points in the target image. For each feature point in the target image, point matching just need to be done within the neighborhood of the estimated locations so as to ensure matching efficiency and reliability. Meanwhile, uniformly distributed feature points are achieved with the constraint of point intensity. Finally, the obtained feature points are used for UAV image registration and mosaicking. The performance is compared with the manually selected points that are uniformly distributed. Experimental results illustrate the validity of the presented method.
