Current Issue Cover

(1.武汉大学遥感信息工程学院, 武汉 430079;2.首都师范大学城市环境过程与数字模拟国家重点实验室培育基地, 北京 100048;3.首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院, 北京 100048)

摘 要
目的 提出一种利用区域统计特征的PolSAR影像分割方法,以解决目前研究中在降低斑点噪声和提高分割效率方面的不足。方法 首先利用基于梯度分割影像的分水岭算法进行SAR影像初分割,针对差值梯度非恒虚警率(CFAR),可能给出虚假边缘从而导致分割错误的问题,引入恒虚警率的均值比率梯度(ROA);同时,考虑到梯度影像中存在大量局部极小值,直接用分水岭处理得到初分割结果,存在过度过分割,给出了一种利用形态学方法进行梯度重构以消除局部极小值、抑制过分割的方法。然后,基于初分割得到区域,计算区域相干矩阵的最大似然估计,结合假设检验和相干矩阵的Wishart分布,给出一种有效描述区域相似度的目标函数,通过建立区域邻接关系图(RAG),执行等级区域合并得到最终分割结果。结果 利用模拟数据,德国奥伯法芬霍芬L波段实测数据和中国海南陵水黎族自治县X波段的高分辨率数据,验证本文方法,初分割结果证实梯度重构处理不会破坏原有梯度结构,并能有效抑制过分割;最终分割结果定性定量对比分析表明,本文给出的目标函数,在分割效率、信息保持和分割精度上都有较好表现。结论 实验结果表明,本文方法能有效降低斑点噪声,提高分割效率,从而提供更加准确的分割结果。
Application region statistical characteristic for PolSAR imagery segmentation

Liu Zhenyu1, Yu Jie1,2,3,4, Xie Donghai2,3,4, Liu Limin1(1.School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079, China;2.Beijing Key Laboratory of Resource Environment and Geographic Information System;3.Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048, China;4.College of Resource Environment and Tourism, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048, China)

Objective A method of PolSAR imagery segmentation based on region statistical characteristic is proposed in this paper to deal with the shortage of recent reasearch in speckle noise and segmentation efficiency. Method First, watershed using gradient to segment imagery is used to get the initial segmentation. The ROA gradient is introduced because to the differential gradient is not showing a constant false alarm rate which probably provides false edges. Meanwhile, a method of gradient construction based on morphological operations is given to eliminate the local minimum of the gradient, which would induce massive over-segmentation after the watershed transformation and suppresses over-segmentation. After that the maximum likelihood estimation of the region coherence matrix is estimated by the arithmetical mean of pixels in region. Then, an object function effectively weigh dissimilarity between regions is deduced in combination with the Wishart distribution of the coherence matrix and a hypothesis test, Additionally, the RAG is build based on an object function and the final segmentation is retrieved after merging the hierarchical regions. Result Simulated data, L-band airborne SAR data of oberpfaffenhofen test site, provided by the DLR and X-band PolSAR data acquired in Hainan Lingshui County, are used to validate the method of this paper. The initial segmentation proved that gradient reconstruction would not undermine the original gradient construction and can effectively suppress over-segmentation. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of the final segmentation show that object function can provide a good segmentation result and has a high segmentation efficiency, information maintenance and segmentation precision. Conclusion These results validate that the proposed method can effectively reduce the speckle noise and improve efficiency, thereby it can provides a more accurate segmentation.
