Current Issue Cover

王雪松, 李杰, 侯剑侠, 徐丹, 普园媛(云南大学信息学院, 昆明 650091)

摘 要
目的 云南绝版套色木刻是套色木刻的一种特殊艺术形式。绝版套刻是一种极具云南地方特色和艺术价值的中国传统文化,数字模拟合成该艺术形式的目的不仅是为了解决其“绝版”问题,更是对中国传统文化的保留和传承,根据其实际创作过程,提出一种交互式绝版套刻的数字合成方法。方法 本文方法前期采集了大量真实刻痕图像,并从中提取了多种刻痕元素构建了刻痕库。在模拟套印过程中,首先对输入图像进行颜色聚类分层用以模拟不同版次。再通过笔刷绘制刻痕来模拟不同版次刻制操作。然后对每版图像着色来模拟真实绝版套刻的印刷过程。最后利用风格化边缘对合成版画的轮廓进行增强。结果 最终数字合成云南绝版套刻风格化图像,与已有木刻滤镜得到的木刻图像相比更为贴近真实木刻,效果令人满意。结论 本文方法较真实地模拟了云南绝版套色木刻制作过程,填补了NPR(non-photo realistic rendering)在云南绝版套色木刻形式上的空白。
Interactive digital synthesis of Yunnan out-of-print woodcuts

Wang Xuesong, Li Jie, Hou Jianxia, Xu Dan, Pu Yuanyuan(Department of Information, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091, China)

Objective Yunnan out-of-print woodcuts are special art form of woodcuts. They encompass Chinese traditional culture, and they are a typical representative of artistic characteristic of Yunnan local minorities, which has high artistic value. The digital synthesis of Yunnan out-of-print woodcuts not only solved “out-of-print” woodcuts, but also reserved and inherited this kind of Chinese traditional culture. Method According to the actual process of Yunnan out-of-print woodcuts, a technique of interactive digital synthesis of Yunnan out-of-print woodcuts is proposed. The preliminary work of the research was collecting nicks from real woodcuts images, and nick libraries were structured with them. In the simulation process of print, we initially used the color that was achieved via color clustering algorithm to layer the image. We then used a painting brush to render the nicks on the image to simulate engraving. After coloring each layer, which simulates printing, we rendered the abstract edge to enhance the contours. Result Compared with the results of Photoshop woodcut filter, our synthesized results are more realistic and satisfying. Conclusion The method simulates the actual process of Yunnan out-of-print woodcuts and fills in the gaps of NPR(non-photo realistic rendering) in the area of Yunnan out-of-print woodcuts.
