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刘镇1, 刘晓1, 梅向东2(1.江苏科技大学, 镇江 212000;2.赞奇科技发展有限公司, 常州 213002)

摘 要
目的 随着移动互联技术和实时渲染技术的快速发展,面向移动终端的3维展示提供了远程交互式的模型渲染,但较高的渲染计算复杂度与较大的数据处理规模,影响了移动终端3维展示的渲染质量和实时性。针对以上不足,提出一种面向移动终端的分布并行化渲染方法。方法 该方法将渲染任务分布到服务端与终端,服务端采用层次细节模型控制场景复杂度,生成初次渲染图像;终端采用基于图像的渲染技术再次绘制图像,提高渲染质量,同时在渲染过程中利用CUDA(compute unified device architecture)并行计算加速渲染数据处理。结果 本方法有效提高了渲染速度,降低了数据传输量,并保证了图像质量,帧率和数据传输量优化了大约10.8%。结论 本文方法为面向移动终端的3维展示提供了很好的解决途径,在移动网络环境中,能够有效降低服务端负载压力,提高资源利用率并改善用户体验。
Distributed parallel rendering method for mobile terminals

Liu Zhen1, Liu Xiao1, Mei Xiangdong2(1.Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang 212000, China;2.Cudatec Development Co., Ltd, Changzhuo 213002, China)

Objective Following the rapid development of network and real-time rendering technology, 3D demonstration for mobile terminals can now provide remote interactive real-time model rendering. Increased computing complexity and data handling scale affect the quality and real-time performance of 3D demonstration. Hence, a distributed parallel rendering method for mobile terminals is proposed. The method renders a model in both server and client sides. Method The server side utilizes levels of detail technology to control a scene's complexity and generates primary rendering frame views. The client side employs image-based rendering technology to re-render an image and further improve rendering quality. compute unified device architecture (CUDA) parallel computing is employed to accelerate the process of data rendering. Result Experiments show that the method improves rendering speed, reduces the size of transmitted data, and further improves image quality, frame rate, and data traffic optimization by approximately 10.8%. Conclusion Hence, a valuable solution for 3D demonstration for mobile terminals is provided. In mobile networks,the proposed method can reduce server side loading pressure and improve resource utilization and customer experience.
