Current Issue Cover

张驰1,2, 刘菲1,2, 侯广琦1, 孙哲南1, 谭铁牛1(1.中国科学院自动化研究所智能感知与计算研究中心, 北京 100190;2.中国科学院大学工程科学学院, 北京 100190)

摘 要
目的 光场成像技术刚刚在计算机视觉研究中展开初步应用,其相关研究比较零散,缺乏系统性。本文旨在系统介绍光场成像技术发展以及其应用在计算机视觉研究中有代表性的工作。方法 从解决计算机视觉问题的角度出发,4个层面讨论光场成像技术最近十年的研究工作,包括:1)主流的光场成像设备及其作为计算机视觉传感器的优点与不足;2)光场相机作为视觉传感器的标定、解码以及预处理方法;3)基于4维光场的图像渲染与重建技术,以及其如何促进计算机视觉研究;4)以4维光场数据为基础的特征表达方法。结果 逐层梳理出光场成像在求解视觉问题中的优势和局限,分析其中根本性的原理与掣肘,力图总结出亟待解决的关键问题以及未来的发展趋势。结论 作为一种颇具前景的新型计算机视觉传感器技术,光场成像技术的研究必将更为广泛和深入。研究应用于计算机视觉的光场成像技术将有力的引导和促进计算机视觉和光场成像技术协同发展。
Light field photography and its application in computer vision

Zhang Chi1,2, Liu Fei1,2, Hou Guangqi1, Sun Zhenan1, Tan Tieniu1(1.Center for Resarch on Intelligent Perception and Computing Institute of a Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China;2.School of Engineering Science University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China)

Objective Light field photography is commonly used to solve computer vision problems. However, the study of light field photography-based computer vision is stillat the initial stage and a comprehensive theory on this issue has yet to be proposed. Method This paper presents a survey of light field photography on the context of computer vision, including 1) mainstream light-field cameras and the merits and demerits of their application for computer vision tasks; 2) calibrating, decoding and pre-processing schemes for light-field cameras; 3) the techniques of rendering and reconstructing images from 4D light fields and the contributions of these techniques to computer vision tasks; and 4) the methods for extracting features or constructing descriptors for computer vision tasks from 4D light fields. Result The advantages and disadvantages of light field photography-based computer vision are discussed. Finally, the key problems in advanced research of light field photography and related computer vision are proposed with some potential approaches. Conclusion The conclusion of our study is that light field photography provides a novel view for computer vision research;thus, this method can attract more attention from both the academe and industry.Finally, light field photography and computer vision are closely related and collaboratively developed.
