Current Issue Cover

郑锦, 李波(北京航空航天大学计算机学院数字媒体室,北京 100191)

摘 要
Approach to extracting region of interests in outdoor video surveillance

Zheng Jin, LI Bo(Digital Media Laboratory,School of Computer Science and Engineering,Beihang University,Beijing 100191)

Motion objects detection in outdoor video surveillance is prone to be disturbed by insignificant motions, such as branches swing and wave, and has low accuracy and bad real-time. So a Region of Interest(ROI) automatic extraction algorithm is proposed in this paper, and ROI has the existing and potential significant motion objects. The algorithm constructs the belt-shaped operators to detect the region existing motion objects, and realizes region growing based on color similarity and region degeneration based on disturbance objects, and then gets the potential significant motion region. Adopting the different detection strategies for different regions can improve the accuracy in real-time. Experimental results show that the algorithm is efficient in extracting ROI. In motion objects detection application, the approach can overcome the influence of insignificant motions, improve the accuracy, and reduce the computation complexity greatly.
