Current Issue Cover

张 湛, 刘光杰, 戴跃伟, 王执铨(南京理工大学自动化学院,南京 210094)

摘 要
A Novel Second-order Distribution Maintained Steganographic Algorithm Based on Markov Chain Security

ZHANG Zhan, LIU Guangjie, DAI Yuewei, Wang Zhiquan(School of Automation, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094)

It has been a difficulty and hotspot in steganography research that how to design large payload steganographic algorithm while high-order statistical security is ensured. Based on the Markov Chain security benchmarking and dynamic compensating means, a novel second-order distribution maintained steganographic method was proposed, which preserves the second-order distribution of the cover image and the embedded payload is unreduced. Experimental results showed that the proposed algorithm can maintain the second-order distribution of cover image while larger secret information is embedded, and improve the steganographic security.
